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Mercury retrograde in Aries, known for causing chaos in communication, commerce, and relationships, is coming to an end on April 25th. Aries energy can be impulsive and erratic, leading to challenges in interpersonal interactions. Even as Mercury stations direct, the effects of this retrograde may continue to linger due to a phenomenon known as retroshade. The shadow period surrounding Mercury’s retrograde can be just as tumultuous, bringing about unexpected consequences and challenges.

During the retroshade phase, which occurs in the weeks leading up to and following Mercury’s retrograde period, individuals may still experience disruptions in various areas of their lives. Taking time to reflect, revise, revisit, and reimagine is essential during this phase, although the fiery energy of Aries may make this process more difficult. As Mercury slows down, the need for introspection becomes apparent, but the impulsive nature of Aries can make it challenging to pause and reflect.

As Mercury moves direct on Thursday, there may be a sense of things starting to regain momentum. However, the aftermath of the retrograde, known as retroshade, may still bring about unexpected challenges, miscommunications, and mishaps. This phase serves as a time for integrating the lessons learned during the retrograde period and putting them into action. With Mars moving into Aries on April 30th, momentum and energy will be on the rise, providing an opportunity to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Mercury’s transition from Aries to Taurus marks a shift from fiery, impulsive energy to a more grounded and stable atmosphere. This change can bring a sense of relief and clarity, allowing for a smoother and more productive period ahead. As Mercury moves into Taurus on May 15th, there will be a chance to take a breath and relax after the chaos of the retrograde. This transition signifies a shift towards more practical and steady energy, bringing a sense of calm and stability.

The end of Mercury retrograde in Aries signals a time of transition and change, as the planet moves from a chaotic and impulsive phase to a more stable and grounded period. Individuals may find themselves feeling more at ease and able to navigate challenges with greater clarity and purpose. The lessons learned during the retrograde period can now be integrated and put into practice, leading to growth and development in various aspects of life. Astrologer Reda Wigle provides insights into how planetary configurations can influence each zodiac sign, integrating history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experiences into her horoscopes. She offers a unique perspective on astrology and the impact of celestial events on individuals’ lives.

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